2016 - 17
Season | Crop | Title | Details of technology | Result (q/ha) | Net income (Rs./ha) | No. of farmers |
Kharif | Sweet potato | Popularization of sweet potato variety Kishan | Var. Kishan |
FP-108 RP-142 |
FP-39200 RP-70100 |
10 |
Kharif | Sweet orange | Popularization of zinc application in sweet orange | Foliar spraying of zinc sulphate @ 2g/ltr during fruit marble stage & 2nd spraying after 15 days |
FP-163 RP-220 |
FP-92800 RP-155600 |
10 |
Rabi | Potato | Popularization of potato variety Kufri Surya | Var. Kufri Surya |
FP-128 RP-232 |
FP-44500 RP-97800 |
10 |
Rabi | Watermelon | Popularization of INM in Watermelon | Fertiliser application as per soil test (NPK @ 120:60:90 kg/ha) and 2 nos. spraying of micronutrient mixture @3ml/ltr after flowering in 15 days interval) |
FP-258 RP-345 |
FP-60700 RP-94900 |
10 |
Kharif | Brinjal | Popularization of IPM against fruit and shoot borer in brinjal | Basal application of neem cake @1q/ha, destruction of wilted twig and affected fruits at regular interval, spraying of neem pesticides @ 1.5 lit/ha at 7-10 days interval, fixing pheromone trap @ 50 nos./ha, Spray Flubendiamide-480SC @ 200 ml/ha & fixing bird parches @ 20 nos./ha |
FP-210 RP-282 |
FP-63600 RP-94700 |
10 |
Kharif | Chilli | Popularization of IDM against Fusarium wilt in chilli | Seed treatment with 2g Carboxin 37.5%+Thiram 37.5% per kg seed and seedling treatment with same chemical before transplanting and when the wilt symptom is visible application metalaxyl 8% + mancozeb 64% @ 2g/lit in rows of chilli |
FP-94 RP-112 |
FP-37500 RP-49200 |
10 |
Rabi | Potato | Popularization of integrated management of late blight in potato | Seed (tuber) treatment with mancozeb 75% @ 3 g/lit and foliar application of Pyraclostrobin-20WG @ 1g/ 1 lit at 7 days interval |
FP-136 RP-192 |
FP-41300 RP-80800 |
10 |
Rabi | Okra | Popularization of IDM against Cercospora leaf spot in okra | Foliar praying of Metalaxyl 8%+ Mancozeb 64% 2g/lit after the emergence of disease symptoms |
FP-142 RP-186 |
FP-82300 RP-121000 |
10 |
Kharif | Rice | Popularization of zinc application in rice | STBR+Zinc @25 kg/ha |
FP-33.2 RP-38.2 |
FP-13020 RP-16820 |
10 |
Rabi | Groundnut | Popularization of lime and sulphur application in groundnut | Soil test based fertiliser + lime @0.2 LR + Sulphur @ 30 kg S ha-1 |
FP-14.5 RP-18.5 |
FP-21900 RP-33620 |
10 |
2017 - 18
Season | Crop | Title | Details of technology | Result (q/ha) | Net income (Rs./ha) | No. of farmers |
Kharif | Sweet potato | Popularization of sweet potato variety Kishan | HYV Kishan | FP-108 RP-142 | FP-39200 RP-70100 | 10 |
Rabi | Potato | Popularization of potato variety Kufri Surya | Kufri Surya | FP-184 RP-232 | FP-79100 RP-105000 | 10 |
Rabi | Watermelon | Popularization of INM in Watermelon | Fertiliser application as per soil test (NPK @ 120:60:90 kg/ha) and 2 nos. spraying of micronutrient mixture @3ml/ltr after flowering in 15 days interval | FP-258 RP-334 | FP-69800 RP-98500 | 10 |
Kharif | Brinjal | Popularization of IDM against Bacterial wilt in brinjal | Application of Streptocycline 1g/10lit with Copper oxychloride 0.25% to control the disease | FP-210 RP-288 | FP-93000 RP-135400 | 10 |
Kharif | Chilli | Popularization of IDM against fruit rot and die back in chilli | Application wettable sulphur 0.2%, copper oxychloride 0.25% and Zineb 0.15% reduced the disease incidence and increased the yield of fruits | FP-86 RP-120 | FP-88600 RP-128200 | 10 |
Rabi | Tomato | Popularization of IPM against white fly in tomato | Use yellow sticky traps @ 20 nos./ha to attract and kill insects + spraying neem oil 1.5 lit/ha + spraying of acetamiprid 20SP @ 125g/ha | FP-198 RP-245 | FP-112700 RP-147900 | 10 |
Rabi | Cauliflower | Popularization of chemical control measure against downy mildew in cauliflower | Foliar spraying with Metalaxyl Mancozeb @ 2g/lit after initiation of disease symptoms | FP-165 RP-240 | FP-77100 RP-123000 | 10 |
Kharif | Rice | Popularization of INM in Rice | Application of Soil Test Based NPK (RDF @80:40:40 kg/ha) + FYM 10 Tons/ha + ZnSO4 25 Kg/ha | FP-22.2 RP-32.4 | FP-20730 RP-26300 | 10 |
Rabi | Onion | Popularization of INM in Onion | Application of Soil Test Based NPK(RDF @ 50:150:75 kg/ha) + FYM 10 tons/ha+ sulphur@ 30Kg/ha | FP-208 RP-262 | FP-83200 RP-108300 | 10 |
Rabi | Greengram | Popularization of INM in Greengram | Application of Soil Test Based NPK (RDF @20:50:20 kg/ha) + FYM 10 Tons/ha+ sulphur@ 30 Kg/ha | FP-4.2 RP-5.4 | FP-8430 RP-12300 | 10 |
Season |
Crop | Title | Details of technology | Result (q/ha) | Net income (Rs./ha) |
No. of trials |
Kharif |
Rice |
Demonstration on management of yellow stem borer in rice | Soil application of Cartap hydrochloride 4G @ 20kg/ha followed by two spraying of Triazophos 35% EC + Deltamethrin 1% EC at 10 days interval |
FP- 36.7 RP-44.5 |
FP- 29225 RP- 39375 |
10 |
Kharif |
Brinjal |
Demonstration on organic farming in Brinjal | Use of Organics along with Bio-fertilizers like FYM + (Azospirillum + Azatobacter + PSB) @ 4 Kg/ha each after mixing with 10-25 times FYM incubating for 48 hours at the time of land preparation. Use of Trichocard @ 50 nos. & Pheromone traps @ 20 nos./ha to control fruit & shoot borer. |
FP- 295 RP-350 |
FP- 180000 RP- 230000 |
10 |
Kharif |
Chilli |
Demonstration on sulphur application in chilli | STB recommendation for NPK and Sulphur (Basal Application @ Bentonite Sulphur 30 kg ha-1 |
FP- 65 RP- 85 |
FP- 97000 RP- 138000 |
10 |
Rabi |
Watermelon |
Demonstration on management of thrips in watermelon | Application of Thiomethoxam 25% WG @ 0.6g/lit along with installation of 50 nos. of blue sticky trap 50 nos./ ha at the time of appearance from vegetative to flowering stage |
FP- 287 RP- 365 |
FP- 88500 RP-120500 |
10 |
Rabi |
Litchi |
Demonstration on INM in litchi. | STB recommendation for NPK and foliar application of ZnSO4 @ 0.5% & borax 0.2% at the time of fruit setting. |
FP- 42 RP- 50 |
FP- 101400 RP- 120000 |
10 |
Season | Crop | Title | Details of technology | Result (q/ha) | Net income (Rs./ha) | No. of trials |
Kharif 2019 | Rice | Demonstration on weed management in transplanted rice |
FP-Manual weeding RP-Application of PE bensulfuron 0.6% + Pretilachlor 6% @ 660 a.i. gm/ha at 3 DAT + POE of Bispyribac sodium @ 25g a.i./ha |
31.2 38.5 |
28600 37800 |
10 |
Kharif 2019 | Rice | Demonstration on protein rich rice variety CRdhan-310 in kharif |
FP-Sahbhagi Dhan RP-CR Dhan-310
33.2 39.6 |
30250 38800 |
10 |
Kharif 2019 | Ground nut | Demonstration on weed management in groundnut |
FP-HW at 30 DAS RP-PE application of Oxyflourfen @ 0.250 kg a.i./ha + POE application of imazethapyr 0.10 kg a.i./ha)
10.5 13.7 |
27900 44250 |
10 |
Kharif 2019 | Rice | Demonstration on Drought tolerant rice var: Swarna shreya |
FP-Sahbhagi Dhan RP-Swarna Shreya
32.5 36.2 |
29300 35500 |
10 |
Kharif 2019 | Linseed | Demonstration of Linseed Var: Arpita in Rice fallow | FP-Lin seed (Var:Arpita) | 6.7 | 20500 | 10 |
Kharif 2019 | Tomato | Demonstration of trellis system in bittergourd to check production of poor quality fruits due to soil contact |
FP-Staking in dried twigs/ branches leads to contact of fruits with soil that causes production of poor quality fruits RP-Trellis should be of approximately 6 feet high with a top & bottom wire and plastic twine tied between the two wires at each plant. Posts should be no more than 15 feet apart and the top wire should be very tight. A stiff additional wire between posts may be required in the season when the fruit loads becomes heavy |
44.5 |
39375 |
10 |
Rabi 2019-20 |
Watermelon | Demonstration on transplanting method to reduce plant mortality and poor growth during initial vegetative stage of watermelon |
FP-Direct sowing of seeds in main field reduces the crop growth due to cold in the initial stage RP-Nursery for watermelon can be prepared with either polythene bags or through portrays under protected Nursery |
352 |
104000 |
10 |
Rabi 2019-20 |
Chilli | Demonstration on IDM module for management of anthracnose disease in chilli |
FP-Spraying of Carbendazim 50 WP @ 2g/lit during fruiting stage RP-Seed treatment with ( Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5% ) @ 0.2% followed by three sprayings with Difenoconazole @ 0.1% from initial disease appearance at 10 days interval |
92 |
10 |
Rabi 2019-20 |
Cowpea | Demonstration on management of aphid in cowpea |
FP-Spraying of Carbendazim @ 2g/lit during fruiting stage RP-Foliar spraying with Flonicamid 50%WG @ 0.4g/lit along with yellow sticky trap @ 50 nos./ha) |
46.4 |
78400 |
10 |
Rabi 2019-20 |
Cauliflower | Demonstration of Arka Microbial Consortium for improvement of curd quality in cauliflower |
FP-No use of Biofertiliser, only use of NPK (70:30:30) kg/ha RP-Soil Test Based Fertilizer + seed treatment with Arka Microbial Consortium @10gm/100gm seed +soil application with 5kg AMC mixed with 500kg FYM
165 |
113500 |
10 |
Rabi 2019-20 |
Tomato | Demonstration on drip irrigation in Rabi Tomato |
FP-Furrow Irrigation leads to high water loss RP-In line Drip Irrigation with discharge of 2 lph, yield increase – 35-40% |
644 |
322000 |
10 |
Season |
Crop |
Title |
Details of technology |
Result (q/ha) |
Net income (Rs./ha) |
No. of farmers |
Kharif |
Rice |
Demonstration on weed management in transplanted rice |
Application of PE bensulfuron 0.6% + Pretilachlor 6% @ 660 a.i. gm/ha at 3 DAT + POE of Bispyribac sodium @ 25g a.i./ha |
FP – 31.2 RP – 38.5 |
FP – 28600 RP – 37800 |
10 |
Kharif |
Rice |
Demonstration on protein rich rice variety crdhan-310 in kharif |
CR Dhan-310
FP – 33.2 RP – 39.6 |
FP – 30250 RP – 38800 |
10 |
Rabi |
Groundnut |
Demonstration on weed management in groundnut |
PE application of Oxyflourfen @ 0.250 kg a.i./ha + POE application of imazethapyr 0.10 kg a.i./ha |
FP – 10.5 RP – 13.7 |
FP – 27900 RP – 44250 |
10 |
Kharif |
Rice |
Demonstration on Drought tolerant rice var: Swarna shreya |
Swarna Shreya |
FP – 32.5 RP – 36.2 |
FP – 29300 RP – 35500 |
10 |
Rabi |
Linseed |
Demonstration of Linseed Var: Arpita in Rice fallow |
Var:Arpita |
RP – 6.7 |
RP – 20500 |
10 |
Rabi |
Bittergourd |
Demonstration of trellis system in bittergourd to check production of poor quality fruits due to soil contact |
Trellis should be of approximately 6 feet high with a top & bottom wire and plastic twine tied between the two wires at each plant. Posts should be no more than 15 feet apart and the top wire should be very tight. A stiff additional wire between posts may be required in the season when the fruit loads becomes heavy |
FP – 36.7 RP – 44.5 |
FP – 29225 RP – 39375 |
10 |
Rabi |
watermelon |
Demonstration on transplanting method to reduce plant mortality and poor growth during initial vegetative stage of watermelon |
Nursery for watermelon can be prepared with either polythene bags or through portrays under protected Nursery |
FP – 226 RP – 352 |
FP – 63000 RP – 104000 |
10 |
Kharif |
Chilli |
Demonstration on IDM module for management of anthracnose disease in chilli |
Seed treatment with ( Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5% ) @ 0.2% followed by three sprayings with Difenoconazole @ 0.1% from initial disease appearance at 10 days interval |
FP – 74 RP – 92 |
FP – 100700 RP – 136800 |
10 |
Rabi |
Cowpea |
Demonstration on management of aphid in cowpea |
Foliar spraying with Flonicamid 50%WG @ 0.4g/lit along with yellow sticky trap @ 50 nos./ha |
FP – 38.7 RP – 46.4 |
FP – 61500 RP – 78400 |
10 |
Rabi |
Litchi |
Demonstration on IPM module for management of fruit borer in litchi |
Before flower opening spraying of neem oil @ 5ml/liter, 10 days after fruit set when the fruits about pea-sized spraying of Imidacloprid 17.8 SL @0.7-1.0 ml/ L water and 10 days before fruit harvesting spraying of Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG @ 0.7 g/L water |
FP – 42 RP – 50 |
FP – 101400 RP – 125000 |
10 |
Rabi |
Cauliflower |
Demonstration of Arka Microbial Consortium for improvement of curd quality in cauliflower |
Soil Test Based Fertilizer + seed treatment with Arka Microbial Consortium @10gm/100gm seed +soil application with 5kg AMC mixed with 500kg FYM ) |
FP – 125 RP – 165 |
FP – 82500 RP – 113500 |
10 |
Rabi |
Tomato |
Demonstration on drip irrigation in Rabi Tomato |
In line Drip Irrigation with discharge of 2 lph, yield increase – 35-40% |
FP – 500 RP – 644 |
FP – 250000 RP – 322000 |
10 |
Crop |
Thematic area |
Name of the technology demonstrated |
No. of Farmer |
Area (ha) |
Yield (q/ha) |
% change in yield |
Other parameters |
*Economics of demonstration (Rs./ha) |
*Economics of check (Rs./ha) |
Demons ration |
Check |
Demo |
Check |
Gross Cost |
Gross Return |
Net Return |
** BCR |
Gross Cost |
Gross Return |
Net Return |
** BCR |
Litchi |
Integrated crop management |
Application of 2 foliar sprays of 20 ppm NAA, first at pea stage of fruit development and second ten days after the first spray and irrigation in regular intervals should be given during May- June to control this disorder. |
10 |
2 |
30 |
24 |
25 |
– |
– |
24000 |
90000 |
66000 |
3.75 |
22000 |
72000 |
50000 |
3.24 |
Banana |
The technique involves blending of 15g of (approximately 7.5g of urea) and 7.5 g of potassium sulphate dissolved in 100 ml water in 500g of fresh cow dung and applying the slurry to the de-navelled stalk end of bunch soon after fruit set |
10 |
2 |
345.0 |
300 |
15 |
81.5 |
65.0 |
100000 |
345000 |
245000 |
2.42 |
80000 |
225000 |
175000 |
2.11 |
Litchi |
Integrated Pest Management |
Spraying of Neem oil @ 5ml/lit before flower opening, Imidachloprid 17.8% SL @ 1ml/lit after 10 days of fruit setting anf Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG @ 0.7g/lit 10 days before harvesting. |
10 |
2.0 |
32.4 |
25.6 |
26.6 |
9 |
16 |
75000 |
162000 |
87000 |
2.16 |
65000 |
128000 |
63000 |
1.97 |
Pointed gourd |
Integrated Pest Management |
Installation of Cuelure (para pheromone trap) @ 8 nos. per hactre to attract and trap male fruit flies followed by™ spray Indoxacarb 14.5% SC @ 0.5 ml/l before maturity of fruits |
10 |
1.0 |
148.4 |
126.5 |
17.3 |
8 |
15 |
110000 |
296800 |
186800 |
2.70 |
100000 |
253000 |
153000 |
2.53 |
Cashew nut |
Integrated Pest Management |
Spraying of Cyhalothrin 5% EC @ 0.6ml/lit at flushing stage followed by flowering and fruiting stage |
10 |
2.0 |
13.5 |
10.8 |
25.0 |
12 |
18 |
75000 |
270000 |
195000 |
3.60 |
55000 |
183600 |
128600 |
3.34 |
Ginger |
Varietal evaluation |
Var. Subhada ginger rhizome skin color is glazy covered with brown scale leafs, cylindrical medium bold finger with short internode. yield 18 t/ha and 26.8% higher than suprava |
10 |
199.3 |
141.3 |
199.3 |
19.05 |
12.1 |
182000 |
697550 |
515521 |
3.83 |
152000 |
494550 |
342521 |
2.0 |
3.25 |
Onion |
Varietal evaluation |
Agri found dark red bulbs are dark red, globular in shape,4-6 cm in size with tight skin, moderately pungent. TSS is 12-13%.Plant matures in 95-110 days after transplanting. Average yield is(219.91 q/ha).Average keeping quality. Recommended for kharif season. Suitable for export purpose |
10 |
1.0 |
225.2 |
125.8 |
79.01 |
0.52 |
0.86 |
126250 |
450400 |
324140 |
3.56 |
124350 |
377400 |
253050 |
3.03 |
Sl. No. |
Crop |
Thematic area |
Technology Demonstrated with detailed treatments |
Area (ha) |
No. of farmers/ demonstration |
Reasons for shortfall in achievement |
Proposed |
Actual |
SC |
ST |
Others |
Total |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
T |
1. |
Rice |
Varietal evaluation |
Prativa( Duration-125 days, Potential yield-52.3 q/ha, Adaptabiliy-Rainfed and irrigated medium land, yield advantage-12% over lalat, Resistant to brown spot and guume discolouration) |
2 ha |
2 ha |
7 |
13 |
20 |
Details of farming situation
Crop |
Season |
Farming situation (RF/Irrigated) |
Soil type |
Status of soil (Kg/ha) |
Previous crop |
Sowing date |
Harvest date |
Seasonal rainfall (mm) |
No. of rainy days |
N |
P2O5 |
K2O |
Crop |
Season |
Farming situation (RF/Irrigated) |
Soil type |
Status of soil (Kg/ha) |
Previous crop |
Sowing date |
Harvest date |
Seasonal rainfall (mm) |
No. of rainy days |
N |
P2O5 |
K2O |
Rice |
Kharif 2022 |
Rainfed |
Sandy loam |
256 |
26 |
126.2 |
Green gram |
25.06.2022 |
05.11.2022 |
165.40 |
13 |
Rice |
Kharif 2022
Rainfed |
Sandy loam |
144 |
28.5 |
122.4 |
Fallow |
18.06.2022 |
22.10.2022 |
182.07 |
14 |
Performance of FLD
Frontline demonstrations on oilseed crops
Crop |
Thematic Area |
Name of the technology demonstrated |
No. of Farmers |
Area (ha) |
Yield (q/ha) |
% Increase |
*Economics of demonstration (Rs./ha) |
*Economics of check (Rs./ha) |
Demo |
Check |
Gross Cost |
Gross Return |
Net Return |
** BCR |
Gross Cost |
Gross Return |
Net Return |
** BCR |
Groundnut |
Integrated nutrient management |
Soil test based NPK+ sulphur 30 kg/ ha + boron @1.25 kg/ha( Borax) |
10 |
1.0 |
21.0 |
17.0 |
22.28 |
48605 |
102690 |
54085 |
2.31 |
46000 |
83130 |
37130 |
1.56 |
Frontline demonstration on pulse crops
Crop |
Thematic Area |
Name of the technology demonstrated |
No. of Farmers |
Area (ha) |
Yield (q/ha) |
% Increase |
*Economics of demonstration (Rs./ha) |
*Economics of check (Rs./ha) |
Demo |
Check |
Gross Cost |
Gross Return |
Net Return |
** BCR |
Gross Cost |
Gross Return |
Net Return |
** BCR |
Total |
Other crops
Crop |
Thematic area |
Name of the technology demonstrated |
No. of Farmer |
Area (ha) |
Yield (q/ha) |
% change in yield |
Other parameters |
*Economics of demonstration (Rs./ha) |
*Economics of check (Rs./ha) |
Demons ration |
Check |
Demo |
Check |
Gross Cost |
Gross Return |
Net Return |
** BCR |
Gross Cost |
Gross Return |
Net Return |
** BCR |
Pointed gourd |
Integrated Pest Management |
Installation of Cuelure (para pheromone trap) @ 8 nos. per hactre to attract and trap male fruit flies followed by™ spray Indoxacarb 14.5% SC @ 0.5 ml/l before maturity of fruits |
10 |
1.0 |
154.8 |
132.4 |
16.9 |
140000 |
387000 |
247000 |
2.76 |
130000 |
331000 |
201000 |
2.55 |
Spine gourd |
Integrated Pest Management |
Installation of Cuelure (para pheromone trap) @ 8 nos. per hactre to attract and trap male fruit flies followed by™ spray Indoxacarb 14.5% SC @ 0.5 ml/l before maturity of fruits |
10 |
1.0 |
58.4 |
46.2 |
26.4 |
120000 |
350400 |
230400 |
2.92 |
100000 |
277200 |
177200 |
2.77 |
Chilli |
Integrated disease management |
Combination of fungi toxicants like Carbendazim (25%) + Flusilazole (12.5%) 37.5 SC exhibited maximum mycelia growth inhibition of pathogenic fungi |
10 |
1.0 |
57.4 |
44.5 |
29 |
128000 |
344400 |
216400 |
2.69 |
105000 |
267000 |
162000 |
2.54 |
Potato |
Integrated disease management |
Prophylactic spraying with contact fungicides like chlorothalonil (0.2%) before the closure of canopy followed by spraying with Cymoxanil 50% WP @ 3g/lit after emergence of disease symptom |
10 |
1.0 |
Ginger |
Varietal evaluation |
Var. Subhada ginger rhizome skin color is glazy covered with brown scale leafs, cylindrical medium bold finger with short internode. yield 18 t/ha and 26.8% higher than suprava |
10 |
199.3 |
141.3 |
199.3 |
19.05 |
12.1 |
182000 |
697550 |
515521 |
3.83 |
152000 |
494550 |
342521 |
2.0 |
3.25 |
Cowpea |
Integrated nutrient management |
Inoculation of azotobactoer, azospirilum and PSM per kg each ha-1 along with pre-limed (5%) FYM (1:25) for 7 days at 30% moisture and applied in the rhizosphere on the day of planting or sowing |
10 |
1.0 |
148.4 |
126.5 |
17.3 |
– |
– |
110000 |
296800 |
186800 |
2.70 |
100000 |
253000 |
153000 |
2.53 |
Sl. No. |
Crop |
Thematic area |
Technology Demonstrated with detailed treatments |
Area (ha) |
No. of farmers/ demonstration |
Reasons for shortfall in achievement |
Proposed |
Actual |
SC |
ST |
Others |
Total |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
M |
F |
T |
1. |
Rice |
Application of Cyhalofop butyl + Penoxulam @ 2 lit/ha at 20 DAT |
2 ha |
2 ha |
7 |
3 |
10 |
Details of farming situation
Crop |
Season |
Farming situation (RF/Irrigated) |
Soil type |
Status of soil (Kg/ha) |
Previous crop |
Sowing date |
Harvest date |
Seasonal rainfall (mm) |
No. of rainy days |
N |
P2O5 |
K2O |
Rice |
Kharif |
RF |
Red lateritic |
235.0 |
16.5 |
125.5 |
Fallow |
25.06.2023 |
22.11.2023 |
Potato |
Rabi 2022-23 |
Irrigated |
Sandy loam |
297.5 |
19.2 |
195.7 |
Rice |
07.12.2022 |
28.03.2023 |
Chilli |
Rabi 2022-23 |
Irrigated |
Clay loam |
354.1 |
22.4 |
147.6 |
Rice |
10.10.2022 |
15.01.2023 onwards |
Papaya |
Rabi 2022-23 |
Irrigated |
Clay loam |
187.0 |
12.5 |
165.2 |
Fallow |
27.11.2023 |
Continuing |
Cowpea |
Rabi 2022-23 |
Irrigated |
Sandy loam |
254.8 |
16.8 |
166.2 |
Rice |
28.01.2024 |
Continuing |
Bitter gourd |
Rabi 2022-23 |
Irrigated |
Sandy loam |
145.6 |
12.7 |
143.5 |
Rice |
26.12.2023 |
Continuing |
Onion |
Rabi 2022-23 |
Irrigated |
Black soil |
255.4 |
17.5 |
291.4 |
Rice |
15.11.2023 |
Continuing |
In both the Tables, information of same crop should be provided. For example, if in Table 3.2A crops are mentioned as a,b,c,d etc., in the table for Details of farming situation, the same crop should be mentioned in the identical sequence.
Crop |
Thematic Area |
Name of the technology demonstrated |
No. of Farmers |
Area (ha) |
Yield (q/ha) |
% Increase |
*Economics of demonstration (Rs./ha) |
*Economics of check (Rs./ha) |
Demo |
Check |
Gross Cost |
Gross Return |
Net Return |
** BCR |
Gross Cost |
Gross Return |
Net Return |
** BCR |
Rice |
Application of Cyhalofop butyl + Penoxulam @ 2 lit/ha at 20 DAT |
10 |
2 |
42.1 |
33.2 |
27.2 |
40600 |
79450 |
38850 |
1.96 |
37500 |
61750 |
24250 |
1.65 |
Total |
Performance of FLD
Frontline demonstrations on oilseed crops
Crop |
Thematic Area |
Name of the technology demonstrated |
No. of Farmers |
Area (ha) |
Yield (q/ha) |
% Increase |
*Economics of demonstration (Rs./ha) |
*Economics of check (Rs./ha) |
Demo |
Check |
Gross Cost |
Gross Return |
Net Return |
** BCR |
Gross Cost |
Gross Return |
Net Return |
** BCR |
Sesame |
Soil test based NPK+25 kg/ha S + 10 kg/ha ZnSO4 + 2gm/lit FA of B + 4kg/ha Azotobacter |
10 |
2 |
4.9 |
3.3 |
48.4 |
34700 |
65200 |
30500 |
1.88 |
28500 |
45100 |
16600 |
1.58 |
Total |
* Economics to be worked out based on total cost of production per unit area and not on critical inputs alone.
Frontline demonstration on pulse crops
Crop |
Thematic Area |
Name of the technology demonstrated |
No. of Farmers |
Area (ha) |
Yield (q/ha) |
% Increase |
*Economics of demonstration (Rs./ha) |
*Economics of check (Rs./ha) |
Demo |
Check |
Gross Cost |
Gross Return |
Net Return |
** BCR |
Gross Cost |
Gross Return |
Net Return |
** BCR |
* Economics to be worked out based on total cost of production per unit area and not on critical inputs alone.
Other crops
Crop |
Thematic area |
Name of the technology demonstrated |
No. of Farmer |
Area (ha) |
Yield (q/ha) |
% change in yield |
Other parameters |
*Economics of demonstration (Rs./ha) |
*Economics of check (Rs./ha) |
Demons ration |
Check |
Demo |
Check |
Gross Cost |
Gross Return |
Net Return |
** BCR |
Gross Cost |
Gross Return |
Net Return |
** BCR |
Potato |
Prophylatic two spray with contact fungicides like chlorothalonil (0.2%) @ 2g/lit at 10 DI before the closure of canopy followed by spraying with cymoxanil 50% WP @ 3g/lit after emergence of disease symptom. |
10 |
2ha |
184.0 |
145.0 |
26.9 |
9 |
21 |
115000 |
276000 |
161000 |
2.4 |
95000 |
217500 |
122500 |
2.29 |
Chilli |
Two spraying of combination of fungi toxicants like Carbendazim (25%) + Flusilazole (12.5%) 37.5 SC (Lusture) @ 2ml/lit at 10 DI after 15 days of transplanting |
10 |
2ha |
57.2 |
44.5 |
29.0 |
8 |
17 |
128000 |
344400 |
216400 |
2.69 |
105000 |
267000 |
162000 |
2.54 |
Papaya |
Soil application of Carbofuran 3G around the plant twice (once at transplanting and another at 30 DAT) + alternate application of Flonicamide 50WG @ 150g/ha and Azadirachtin (1500 ppm) @ 1.5 L/ha at 15days interval + installation of yellow sticky trap @ 25/ha + coriander as intercrop |
10 |
1ha |
Cont. |
Cowpea |
Two sprays of Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC 0.2ml/L , at 10 days interval during pod formation stage |
10 |
1ha |
Cont. |
Bitter gourd |
Soil application of Chlorpyriphos 1.5% in the inter space @ 25kg/ha at 30 DAG + placement of poison bait (Cartap hydrochloride 50% SP 0.2g + Jaggery 100g+water (1L) + installation of Cuelure @ 20 nos./ha + periodical removal of damaged fruits |
10 |
1ha |
Cont. |
Onion |
Planting barrier crops – outer row of maize + inter row of wheat at 7-10 DAP of onion, seedling root dip- dip the seedlings (bottom 1/3rd) in Carbosulfan 25% EC @ 2ml/L , spray Azadirachtin ( 1500ppm) @ 3ml/ L+ Profenofos 50% EC @ 0. 5ml/L after 15 DAP |
10 |
1ha |
Cont. |
Spinegourd |
Demonstration on bio-fertiliser consortia application for yield enhancement in spinegourd |
20 |
1 |
26.0 |
22.5 |
15.55 |
– |
– |
1,02,000 |
3,90,000 |
2,88,000 |
3.82 |
93000 |
3,37,500 |
2,44,500 |
3.62 |
Cowpea |
Demonstration on bio-fertiliser consortia application for yield enhancement in spinegourd |
10 |
1 |
156.4 |
119.5 |
23.59 |
– |
– |
103200 |
2,39,000 |
1,35,800 |
2.31 |
1,13,200 |
3,12,800 |
1,99,600 |
2.76 |