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Welcome to KVK Deogarh
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Deogarh was established in the year July, 2006. Geographically located between 840 28’ E to 850 15’ E longitude and 210 11’ N to 210 43’ N latitude. The district “Deogarh” broadly encompasses single agro-ecological situations i.e. low rainfall lateritic soil. It is situated under north western plateau agro climatic zone of odisha. The economy of Deogarh district is mainly agrarian and agriculture supports about 75 % of the total workforce of the district. Total geographical area of the district is 294000 ha. The district comprises of 3 C.D blocks, 70 GPs and 774 inhabited villages. As per the 2011 census, the total population of the district is at 3.12lakhs. The rural population constitutes 92.24%. The average literacy rate is 73.07% with the male and female rate being 60.36% and 73.07%, respectively. The major crops are paddy, green gram, black gram, vegetables and various types of fruits. Different fruit crops are grown sporadically in Deogarh district for e.g. mango, litchi, sweet orange, banana, guava, sapota, papaya and watermelon.
From Sr. Scientist & Head’s Desk
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Deogarh was established in the year July, 2006 under Odisha University of Agriculture & Technology, Bhubaneswar. Its objective is to increase production and productivity in agriculture an allied sectors to strengthen the rural economy.
The aim of KVK is to reduce the time lag between generation of technology at the research institution and its transfer to the farmer’s fields for increasing production & productivity, income from the agriculture and allied sectors on a sustained basis.
It is one of the innovative institutions with the mandate of imparting training to the practicing farmers, farm women, rural youths and extension functionaries in improved technologies in the field of agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, fisheries and other allied enterprises.
The team of multidisciplinary Scientists place in the KVK assesses, refines and disseminates technologies related to agriculture and allied sectors.
Our Mentor

Prof. Pravat Kumar Roul
Hon'ble Vice Chancellor OUAT

Prof. Prasannajit Mishra
Dean, Extension Education, OUAT

Dr. Pradip Dey
Director, ATARI-Kolkata

Dr. (Mrs.) Manasi Bhol
Sr. Scientist and Head, KVK, Deogarh
Success Stories
- Celebration of world soil day
- Visit of Additional Secretary Sj M.K.Pani, Agriculture and Farmer Empowerment Department, Govt. of Odisha
- Cleaning of KVK campus both manually & mechanically as well as planting medicinal plants by scientists & staff
- Preparatory meeting of PKVY women farmers group in Village Deojharan
- Hi tech horticulture promoted by KVK in village Basaloi along with fish breeding
- ICRISAT crop improvement program in KVK adopted village Kirtanpali
- Tilapia fish introduced in our KVK promoted IFS in coordination with world fish organization.
- Beneficiary and site selection for demonstration of intercropping in mango orchard. Village Ichhapur
- Diagnosis field visit of fungal wilting in Brinjal. Village Poipani
- Celebration of Akshya Tritiya at KVK campus
- Pulse seed production meeting in collaboration with ICAR seed project
- Farmers of adopted villages of KVK, Deogarh on an interstate exposure visit to IIHR Hessaraghata, Bengaluru sponsored by ATMA, Deogarh
- 7 days training for rural youths from STRY on commercial mushroom production technology.Sponsored by MANAGE, Hyderabad
- Celebration of World Soil Day
- Farmers harvesting good quality chilli with Sulphur & Boron application. From 800 plants 2qtl per fortnight
- District Judge, Deogarh visiting crop cafeteria & appreciated the activities
- BPH awareness camp at Barkote Block with District agriculture department
- BPH diagnostic field visit with DDA, DAO and other Govt Officers on 04.10.2018
- KVK in collaboration with Dist. Swatchh Bharat Mission organizing Swatchhata Hi Seva in KVK adopted village Kirtanpali
- Swatchh bharat programme in tribal dominated village
- Training on quality management in early tomato in tribal village
- Tribal farmers of most unaccessible areas of Deogarh district harvesting tomato in late kharif. A step towards doubling farmers income
- Visiting farmers observing vermi compost demo unit
- Showing the apiculture during on campus training
- State level Go Sambardhana divas organised by OSFDC Ltd, ATMA and KVK Deogarh
- Giving training to exclusively physically handicapped people on employment opportunities through agril. entrepreneurship
- Inter district OPLP farmers exposure visit to our KVK and seeing crop cafeteria Maize Cowpea intercropping
- Garlanding the father of nation and celebrating independence day in our swatch adopted village kirtanpali
- Unfurling of National Flag and plantation programme in KVK campus on the eve of Independence Day
- RAWE programme at village Chheplipali, Tileibani Block
- RAWE programme at village Chakrapalli, Barkote Block
- KVK Scientists interaction with commercial rose grower at village Bhatsingh
- Neo herbicide in FLD programme
- Training on CFLD kharif pulses in village Khilei
- DAESI trainees in our campus with MANAGE consultant on Dt.19.07.2018
- DDM, NABARD supervising our low cost mushroom demo unit and apiculture unit on Dt. 17.07.2018
- Celebration of Banomahotshav in KVK Campus on Dt.07.06.2018
- Web telecast of interaction of Hon’ble Prime Minister with farmers on Dt.20.06.2018
- Live Telecast of interaction of Hon’ble Prime Minister with SHGs on Dt.12.07.2018