Website last updated: Oct 7, 2024 @ 12:12 pm

Welcome to KVK Deogarh

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Deogarh was established in the year July, 2006. Geographically located  between  840 28’ E to 850 15’ E longitude and 210 11’ N to 210 43’ N latitude. The district “Deogarh” broadly encompasses single agro-ecological situations i.e. low rainfall lateritic soil. It is situated under north western plateau agro climatic zone of odisha. The economy of Deogarh district is mainly agrarian and agriculture supports about 75 % of the total workforce of the district. Total geographical area of the district is 294000 ha. The district comprises of 3 C.D blocks, 70 GPs and 774 inhabited villages. As per the 2011 census, the total population of the district is at 3.12lakhs. The rural population constitutes 92.24%. The average literacy rate is 73.07% with the male and female rate being 60.36% and 73.07%, respectively. The major crops are paddy, green gram, black gram, vegetables and various types of fruits. Different fruit crops are grown sporadically in Deogarh district for e.g. mango, litchi, sweet orange, banana, guava, sapota, papaya and watermelon.

From Sr. Scientist & Head’s Desk

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Deogarh was established in the year July, 2006 under Odisha University of Agriculture & Technology, Bhubaneswar. Its objective is to increase production and productivity in agriculture an allied sectors to strengthen the rural economy.

The aim of KVK is to reduce the time lag between generation of technology at the research institution and its transfer to the farmer’s fields for increasing production & productivity, income from the agriculture and allied sectors on a sustained basis.

It is one of the innovative institutions with the mandate of imparting training to the practicing farmers, farm women, rural youths and extension functionaries in improved technologies in the field of agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, fisheries and other allied enterprises.

The team of multidisciplinary Scientists place in the KVK assesses, refines and disseminates technologies related to agriculture and allied sectors.

Our Mentor

Prof. Pravat Kumar Roul

Prof. Pravat Kumar Roul

Hon'ble Vice Chancellor OUAT

Prof. Prasannajit Mishra

Prof. Prasannajit Mishra

Dean, Extension Education, OUAT

Dr. Pradip Dey

Dr. Pradip Dey

Director, ATARI-Kolkata

Dr. (Mrs.) Manasi Bhol

Dr. (Mrs.) Manasi Bhol

Sr. Scientist and Head, KVK, Deogarh

Success Stories

More Profit from Banana Cultivation

manoj1Manoj Kumar Sahu is a young farmer of Singhasal village of Barkote Block. During 2008 he left the company job and made up his mind to take horticulture as his profession. In the first year he invested Rs.40,000/- in planting 1500 numbers of G–9 variety of banana and got a profit of more than 1 lakh.4800 tissue culture banana plants of G–9 and dwarf Cavendish are now in his back yard plot. Last year he had a deposit of Rs.2,80,000/- in his bank account after deducting the cost of installation of drip irrigation facility and bore well. He has given regular employment to 3 labourers of his village, From the profit he has purchased one mobile phone, a motor cycle and few assets for his house after a handsome deposit in the bank. His product is the main attraction in the fruit market of Tensa…

Doctor in home :Mrs.Julli Sahu

Smt. Julli Sahu is the most pride daughter-in-law of Balam village of Barkote Block. She is a 28 years graduate, but has no interest in govt. or private service. She has adopted a unique profession of preparation and marketing of different ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda being a tradition of his family. She learnt the basis of it from her father-in-law. She also developed a small medicinal garden in her backyard. Many rare varieties of medicinal plant like Antamul, Brahmi, Pippali, Agasthi, Aloe vera, safedmusali, Hadabhanga exist there. She has developed a very good medicinal plant nursery…

Sweet Orange cultivation : Income is more than the expenditure

Mr.JagannathPradhan lives in Khilaberini village of Reamal block. He had 5 acres of unproductive old sweet orange orchard. Improper management and caring had left to low productivity of his orchard.

He came in contact with KrishiVigyan Kendra, Deogarh during 2006-07 while visiting the District Agriculture Office. He interacted with the scientists and followed their instructions in rejuvenating the orchard. IPDM control measures were taken by the scientists under OFT programme to check infestation of fruit socking moth and die-back disease. Micronutrients like Ca, B & Zn…

Suguda Sugar : Owner's Pride

Bishnu Prasad Biswal is a young farmer of 30 years of Suguda village of Deogarh District. He was sitting idle in home after the Kharif season as he was utilising all his 5 acres of land in monocroping. His interest and enthusiasm brought him to the corridors of KVK where he got the knowledge to utilise the barren land in watermelon cultivation fetching water from the nearby stream. He availed the benefits of FLD programme of KVK and got the knowledge of hybrid watermelon cultivation, starting from acid soil management to seed treatment, variety selection, INM and IPM schedules. He has harvested 500 qtl of watermelon…

Goatery : A Boon for Livlihood Support.

Mrs.Sulochana Kishan is a young schedule tribe woman of Kenduchhapal village of Tileibani block. She was rearing two male and three female goats of local breed. Inspite of her maximum involvement in goat rearing she could not generate higher income due to high rate mortalilty and less productivity. KVK, Deograh impressed upon her to strengthen her SHG, got loan and start commercial goat farming. With the assistance of Local Veterinary Surgeon, deworming of kids, mineral mixture supplementation and feed management techniques were provided to her. Financial assistance of bank…

Ornamental Pisciculture: An Household Enterprise for Youths

Miss Pankajini Pradhan is a graduate girl belongs to Landijhari village of Barkote Block. After completion of B.A., she became interested for self-employment. Coming contact with the Local FEO, Barkote she came to know about ornamental pisciculture and planned to take it as an employment opportunity. ATMA, Deogarh helped her in getting training from CIFA, Kaushalyaganga on ornamental fish rearing, production and management. Getting the know-how she started rearing red molly, black molly, angel fish, gold fish etc. Scientists of CIFA and KVK, Deogarh took steps in popularising the new vocation in the village by conducting awareness camps. Now most of the households of Landijhari…

Innovation brings name and fame

Ananda Garnaik is now the only proud farmer of Deogarh district who got a place in the ICAR website. Mr.Garnaik, resides in his village Kureibahal adjacent to his 18 acres of Mango orchard. His vision led towards an innovation in mango varieties and he named it as ‘AnandaSagar’. This mango variety is unique in his character. It is delicious, juicy, tasty and ripens during last midnight of July to August when the market is hungry of ripened mangoes. Moreover, this mango trees…

No less income from upland

Piter Minj is a tribal farmer of Bangalimunda village of Tileibani block. His 10 acres of paternal property was quite unproductive. Only rice and green gram were cultivated there. His strong will power led him to prosperity. He started contacting line department Officers and KVK scientists, became aware on facilities given by Govt. under various schemes and started implementing in his own land. He reclaimed his acidic soil using PMS. The unbonded barren uplands were cultivated by HYV pigeon pea and groundnut in 2:6 ratio using gypsum and biofertiliser. The water logged small rice field was converted to a pond where composite pisciculture started. The uncultivated land filled up with mango and custard apple cultivation where green gram and horse gram were taken as intercrops. He established a vermi compost unit, the manure of which was utilised for production…

Micro Irrigation and farm mechanization makes an engineer to a successful farmer

Sri Purnananda Pani, vill-Kandhal, Block – Barkote is a mechanical engineer by profession. After completion of engineering graduation he got an employment in a company. But his mind was not in the job and he wants to become owner of his own. He has 20 acres of parental property. Suddenly he decided to cultivate his land in scientific way for more profit because his land was not cultivated due to scarcity of labour. So to become the owner of his own he left the company job and installed a mill in his own village and converted all his produced grain to rice and got make profit than the raw paddy. Then he converted 5 acres of his upland to Mango and Litchi…
