Mrs. Juli Sahu
Village : Balam, Post : Balam
Block : Barkote, District : Deogarh
Mobile : 7809843995
Age : 27 years
Qualification : BA
Doctor in home :Mrs.Julli Sahu
Smt. Julli Sahu is the most pride daughter-in-law of Balam village of Barkote Block. She is a 28 years graduate, but has no interest in govt. or private service. She has adopted a unique profession of preparation and marketing of different ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda being a tradition of his family. She learnt the basis of it from her father-in-law. She also developed a small medicinal garden in her backyard. Many rare varieties of medicinal plant like Antamul, Brahmi, Pippali, Agasthi, Aloe vera, safedmusali, Hadabhanga exist there. She has developed a very good medicinal plant nursery and has popularised these plants by distributing these seedlings to different schools.
Mrs.JulliSahu is preparing different medicine like BrahmiTaila, BhrungarajTaila, DantayanButi, Asagandhamodok, chyawnpras, praneswarmodok, Ashwagandharistha, Ashokaristha, Triphala powder, Arjun powder etc.
Beside she has got training from KVK, Deogarh on mushroom cultivation and value addition of different fruits and vegetable. Now she is earning Rs.15,000/- per month and her annual income is about Rs.2,00,000/-. She is surely a successful woman entrepreneur and really a example for other house wives of the district.